Here, I will try to give you a taste of what I do while explaining a bit of the logic behind my choices around different
problems and their
solutions. It is pretty much my technical side. However, I will try to make it not
too technical (meaning I will not be attaching any code samples, for now), as, at this point, it is hard for me to predict the recipients’ needs. I plan to adapt my content and functionality following the visitors’ demands. For now, I do not want to “scare” visitors with a too technical approach across this section, as strictly technical content (containing code examples, etc.) I plan to cover under the appropriate category in the
blog. Topics presented here should be interpreted in terms of
inspiration, and for my partners – as a
portfolio. Please have in mind that the presented projects are only a
fraction of what I do, both privately and commercially. I decided to show some of my latest / most important / significant bits.