Tomasz Ł

Introduction to my blog

The blog seems like quite self-explaining functionality, but it might be a good idea to introduce you to the type of content I would like to publish here, as this might not be that clear. Especially at this very early stage, when all the content around the page is fresh, not many blog entries are here yet.
As you can see, I have organized most of my content around appropriate sections of the website (or contexts, as I like to call them), such as about meprojects, or music. The blog will be everything-box, where everything that does not fit the other contexts works.
For the launch, I prepared a few post drafts from different travels I had last a bit over a year containing some teaser videos of the drone footage I captured here and there. I plan to prepare longer videos featuring some of my music as I have lots of material (not only from the air) I could use for that purpose, and the results can be quite inspiring. On the other hand, I would like to have kind of after-movies from my travels as I want to bring back memories once in a while, and so do (I imagine) some of the people with me at certain places.
Besides drone footage and my other creative products, I would like to focus more on technical aspects (I am an engineer, remember?), which means I will be publishing some tutorials / technical considerations featuring code examples, etc. The final form and material directions I will consider as I gather some feedback from the visitors.
Finally, I might share my very own and personal thoughts on just about any subject with you, so it might happen that you will get to know my most human side through here.
It turns out that the blog is the most universal (yet least defined) part of my website, and as I feel that the rest of the page I created for myself, this one I made for you. So, you are the inspiration behind my next post.