Over five last months that I have spent working on
inaPixel, and at least a few other experimental projects, I was inviting various people to join me. I did not see any of them responding to invitations. So, I think I have finally defined my message and the actual purpose behind the ToLIO project. This one evening, in the last two weeks, I went to
The Cave to clear my mind a bit while writing the content. I lay down on the fatty pillow, closed my eyes, and realized I see more light with my eyes closed, then when they are open, despite the
LEDs to be on. From the perspective of this experience, I feel I have built a lighthouse to spread this light. What is the point, you might ask? My failure to interest people to join around any kind of my activities made me see myself as a lonely island. I never got an invitation to their activities as well. This lighthouse might bring some interesting people to the horizon. I know they are there. It is my message.